Friday 8 May 2009


Here is my final and finished 3rd Ident.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Ident 3

I struggled to decided what to do for my 3rd ident, I went through a list of all the extreme sports that could work with my characters and ablities.

I saw an advert on tv for free running and decided that this would be a successful path to go down, as free running "parkour" is really big at the moment.

I realised the potential of the ident, as i was sketching and comming up with loads of moves that the E from the logo could perform and all the materials and camera angles i could use.


For my inspiration i was playing the game "mirrors edge" and realised i loved the look of seeing everything through the main characers eyes.

I wanted to incoperate this into my work, when jumps were done show the view of the E. This meant using cameras to follow the path of the jumps on a separate scene which could prove really difficult but if done correctly then would make for a dramatic sequence.

I wanted to create a story and not just have random free running within the time limit, i showed the e standing on a roof top and being chased by "black" e's, leading him to start running away (free running) to escape them.

If you have played mirrors edge you can probably see how i have used elements of the game, by making the main character red (which was also used to make it stand out.)

I am not going to deny that it is a semi replica of the game, but it helps to paint a story of free running but using the props and areas i created myself.

As you can see from the image I stuck with the idea to make the camera as the eyes, it gets the user more involved i think and adds a sence of danger. mainly because they see what the character is leaping over and that they are close to missing the target.

I used a camera key frame animation to replicate the movement, and the same applies to the roll as the camera hits the floor.

You may also notice that it is blurred, this is an effect that i later added in imovie, i also added a swooshing sound (to replicate wind while traveling .)

As mentioned earlier, i tried to add suttle hints that i used elements from the game, such as some sounds and i added a cheecky lil poster on the wall that may look familiar.

The overall feel to it, came out quite fast paced. Which is what i wanted, i used an array of different camera angles to make the scene as interesting to the viewer as possible

Sounds and Music
For the music in the background i used an intrumetal version of the song "still alive", i timed it so that it was very peacfull as the camera looked on at the E standing on the rooftop but then as he started being chased and jumped off the roof the music changed and became more drtamatic.

The sound effects were a mixture of sounds i had recorded myself with my voice or other media, some were taken from sound websites such as the door crash. But a fair few of the sounds were actually recorded from the mirrors edge game, such as the noise of breathing and running.

Most of the materials that you see in the ident are taken from the internet, and changed using photoshop. Eg. Collecting a fire door and making it red in photoshop.

I used allot of the same materials around the ident becuase i did not want it to be overcrowded with vibreant texture, more to focus on the main charcater.


I used the same teciques as with the other idents, everything is made up of basic squares that have been changed and the points moved to create different angles and diameters. They are then skinned with the materials, the E was made using text.

As most of the ident is set outside i used a skylight with a combination of omni lights to light up the scene. I think it works well and shows a few shadows to give a feel of the 3d elements invovled.

Overall this was my favorite ident as it really shows how cameras can be used to give the viewer a much more entertaining experience. Making them feel part of what is happening on screen, there are a few bugs and things that i would change if i was to repeat this ident. Such as making more sound effects and better timed ones for that matter, creating more of the city myself instead of using images and just general little touches that could improve the overall end product.