Tuesday 24 February 2009

Skateboard Modeling

I started work on the skateboard itself as i wanted to start getting a move on so it leave allot of time for the animation as i know i am going to spend ages on them making sure that they look as good as possible.

I started off by just generally looking at skateboards, we all know what a skateboard looks like but when designing it is all to easy to make wrong decisisions based on memory.

I then started to make the board with diffrent shapes, i made the deck first out of a square that i moved the points around till it looked as rounded and simmetrical as possible. I then used a combination of turbo smooths and face extrudes.

I then moved on to making the wheels and trucks (holds the wheel on) and bolts. I also gave them skins of a wooden texture and used logos from the internet to give the wheels more life like attributes.

I added some lights and little segments such as the screws i also made the wooden texture abit more ruff my adding noise in 3dSmax.

Overall it came out quite well, i did however notice that the bottom of the board was invisible which was a pain, so i will probably just make another version of the deck, as i must have deleted too much of the bottom section on this peice. But this is the look i was going for and am pleased with the result.


I have spent some time on the storyboards for my 1st animation.

I have chosen as mentioned to immerse my logo into diffrent types of sports and as it is the most popualr on the network i wanted to start off with skateboarding

I drew up some rough (emphasis on the word rough.) to jot down my ideas on what would be happening in the animation and on screen.

They are numbered but as you can see diffrent parts are on the seperate pages, mainly becuase i kept changing my mind and having new ideas.


I want to have a skateboard look as if it has just jumped over a camera with the extreme sports logo in frame for a few seconds. (Being on the bottom of the board.) Then the camera will change to a diffrent view and the logo itself will be on top of the skateboard, it will either roll on screen or jump i have not yet decided.

It will then spin and maybe do another trick and come to a skidding hault. Face the camea it will then jump off the board and kick it to its side so its verticle and then the camera will zoom in on the logo.

As always i will probably add more and diffrent ideas as i start to play with the software but that is my overall idea so far.

Monday 16 February 2009

Mood Board

I wanted to create my own mood board for the channel as i could not really find any images that showed the type of style of the channel.

I came up with the following.

(click the image to enlarge.)

I wanted to show the different types of sports that have been classed as "Extreme Sports" and dedicate them to the show. I have used quite a grungy look because sports such as skateboarding etc are greatly frowned upon and tie in well with a somewhat graffiti feel. Also as this is the type of culture that springs to mind when you think about extreme sports i think the theme shows off the boldness and dramatic nature of the sports.

It was created in photoshop, using custom photoshop brushes and gradients to make the effects, the humans were images collected and traced with the pen tool and turned into silhouettes. the logo was collected from online and used a paint splatter affect created with a combination of brushes and blurring.

I will be looking at what type of people will in fact be watching the station that i have chosen, so i can get a feel for the target audience, allowing the actual 3D animation animated work to be aimed toward that specific group.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Week 3 Path Cameras

We spent time in the lesson looking at how to move cameras along a path, looking at the diffrent ways you can have the camera to view the scene and how fast it can move along the path.
It has given me some good ideas on how the camera can move around the scene to view diffrent objects.

I am also now starting to understand the frame aspect in 3D max, as it is quite similar to flash.

I will keep the blog updated as the weeks follow.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Extreme Ident

I have been looking at different TV stations that i could base my 3 indents on.

I was channel flipping, i usually watch Extreme Sports and after taking a detailed look at the logo and thinking how I could animate it with 3D Studio max.

I am going to be using the logo to show the different types of sports on the channel, e.g. have the logo skateboarding, snowboarding etc. I think i can make a really it interesting and a good representation of the station.

I will start coming up with sketches and ideas and scan them in to be uploaded for this blog.

Above is an ident that is used at tbe moment, Showing diffrent types of extreme sports. I want to show the logo on screen comming into shot with diffrent methods, eg. Adding wheels to the logo and having it skid into shot.