Tuesday 24 February 2009


I have spent some time on the storyboards for my 1st animation.

I have chosen as mentioned to immerse my logo into diffrent types of sports and as it is the most popualr on the network i wanted to start off with skateboarding

I drew up some rough (emphasis on the word rough.) to jot down my ideas on what would be happening in the animation and on screen.

They are numbered but as you can see diffrent parts are on the seperate pages, mainly becuase i kept changing my mind and having new ideas.


I want to have a skateboard look as if it has just jumped over a camera with the extreme sports logo in frame for a few seconds. (Being on the bottom of the board.) Then the camera will change to a diffrent view and the logo itself will be on top of the skateboard, it will either roll on screen or jump i have not yet decided.

It will then spin and maybe do another trick and come to a skidding hault. Face the camea it will then jump off the board and kick it to its side so its verticle and then the camera will zoom in on the logo.

As always i will probably add more and diffrent ideas as i start to play with the software but that is my overall idea so far.

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