Tuesday 24 February 2009

Skateboard Modeling

I started work on the skateboard itself as i wanted to start getting a move on so it leave allot of time for the animation as i know i am going to spend ages on them making sure that they look as good as possible.

I started off by just generally looking at skateboards, we all know what a skateboard looks like but when designing it is all to easy to make wrong decisisions based on memory.

I then started to make the board with diffrent shapes, i made the deck first out of a square that i moved the points around till it looked as rounded and simmetrical as possible. I then used a combination of turbo smooths and face extrudes.

I then moved on to making the wheels and trucks (holds the wheel on) and bolts. I also gave them skins of a wooden texture and used logos from the internet to give the wheels more life like attributes.

I added some lights and little segments such as the screws i also made the wooden texture abit more ruff my adding noise in 3dSmax.

Overall it came out quite well, i did however notice that the bottom of the board was invisible which was a pain, so i will probably just make another version of the deck, as i must have deleted too much of the bottom section on this peice. But this is the look i was going for and am pleased with the result.


  1. The skateboard looks really detailed and convincing, nicely done :)

  2. thanks mate haha i need to make the top part again as it has an invisible bottom for some reason how are you getting on???
