Monday 16 February 2009

Mood Board

I wanted to create my own mood board for the channel as i could not really find any images that showed the type of style of the channel.

I came up with the following.

(click the image to enlarge.)

I wanted to show the different types of sports that have been classed as "Extreme Sports" and dedicate them to the show. I have used quite a grungy look because sports such as skateboarding etc are greatly frowned upon and tie in well with a somewhat graffiti feel. Also as this is the type of culture that springs to mind when you think about extreme sports i think the theme shows off the boldness and dramatic nature of the sports.

It was created in photoshop, using custom photoshop brushes and gradients to make the effects, the humans were images collected and traced with the pen tool and turned into silhouettes. the logo was collected from online and used a paint splatter affect created with a combination of brushes and blurring.

I will be looking at what type of people will in fact be watching the station that i have chosen, so i can get a feel for the target audience, allowing the actual 3D animation animated work to be aimed toward that specific group.

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